Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 12


An additional bus outreach was called in order to pass out fliers for Easter Sunday. We also went to the new area on our route to see if we could connect to any kids.


Before going on outreach we picked up our new shirts. I LOVE them. Not only do they look cool, but they actually come in men and women's sizes.

While on outreach I stopped by one of my "favorites". Her mom had just hooked her up with some fake nails.

The entire team went over to the new area and started knocking doors (specifically the ones that looked like children lived in them). We made so many connections.

We are planning to follow up regularly with our new contacts until they come. It seems like the better a relationship you have with a parent, the more willing they are to send their child.


I don't even know where to begin in reviewing Sunday's events.

Being a part of bus ministry/outreach has truly been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. I have never been involved in something so challenging, yet rewarding.

Easter Sunday was very rewarding.

When I say that, I don't even mean numbers-wise (even though we did have over 204 ride the Blue Bomber).

I mean the following:

~During the teen class a regular bus rider turned to his teacher and said, "I have never felt what I am feeling right now." They were discussing the Easter story and you could feel the presence of God.

~We had an entire family from our route show up to Sunday service. One of our route 3 workers has been giving them a bible study (which is now averaging 20 people in attendance) - how we got the bible study is a story in itself.

~We finally had a girl show up from the new area we have been working on. Her mom has been promising that she would send her girls for weeks and weeks, and FINALLY she sent one. We are hoping that this coming weekend she will send all 3 of them!

~Sunday night, seeing so many kids from my route (that walked to church on their own) in the altars praying. I cannot even begin to tell you how that feels.

"You really changed my life when you talked to me... what you do really touches people. I was going through some really emotional things in my life at that moment and I just want to let you know that I am so grateful! Thank you for changing my life!"
~Unknown parent of bus rider, Sunday night before getting baptised

There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you have made an impact on someones life.

To know that you have truly made a difference.

That because of your contact, your touch, your time, they are now on a different path.

A better one.

You should try it.

As the newly delegated Route 3 attendance taker, I will now be riding the bus on Sunday mornings tracking kids instead of doing wake up.

Route 3 = 58 kids, 2 parents.
Blue Bomber total = over 204 kids

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME, TOUCHING, INCREDIBLE post! I LOVE it and I LOVE what God is doing in the Blue Bomber Ministry! Oh! I think I'll dance around the house and praise God a bit! :D